DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment) – Blended Learning

DSE Training is a legal requirement for anyone who regularly uses display screen equipment. Our DSE Training helps you work towards compliance with The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 and helps DSE users avoid RSI, headaches, eyestrain and back problems; all of which are proven to contribute to absenteeism.


We currently don not have any course dates scheduled, please contact us for more details.

Business Consultancy

Anyone who regularly uses a computer legally requires DSE Training, this is also commonly referred to as ‘Computer Health and Safety Training’ or ‘VDU (Visual Display Unit) Training’. DSE also refers to laptops, tablets, TV screens and even smartphones.

It’s no wonder this type of training is a legal requirement when you consider the HSE reported that in 2017/18, 469,000 workers suffered from work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Taking just 25 minutes to complete, our DSE training course will show you how to carry out a DSE risk assessment (DSE Risk Assessment included for free), as well as how to better arrange your existing workplace equipment to minimise common negative symptoms associated with extended periods of time spent at a computer (such as eye strain, backache, etc.)

Whatever the type or size of your company, all your employees who sit at a computer for any part of their working day should have Display Screen Equipment training. This programme has been designed to increase safety and awareness and to aid compliance with workplace regulations. This DSE training programme ensures that your employees understand how best to take care of their health by ensuring that their immediate working environment is the best it can be.

Learning outcomes

  • Learn how to set up your workstation correctly and stop bad habits
  • Learn how to use portable devices (included in DSE) correctly
  • Prevent 'DSE Stress' and become more productive at work as a result of good DSE

Course contents

This training course is broken down into 4 sections

  1. 1 Physical - At Your Desk
  2. 2 Visual - Looking After Your Eyes
  3. 3 DSE Stress
  4. 4 Portable Devices

In this section, we take you through your workstation set-up – from your chair right through to your monitor and desk equipment. You’ll learn how to achieve and maintain a good posture while you work, and you’ll learn how to best avoid the health complications associated with an unclean workstation and sitting or standing for too long.


Our second section teaches you how to look after your eyes when you’re using DSE. It’s crucial to take regular eye breaks and to check that your computer screen and any office lighting or glare don’t cause eye -strain or headaches.


Stress is often the outcome of using DSE incorrectly, or not giving your body the breaks or changes in activity that it needs – so this section explains how you can stay relaxed AND productive at work. We also include some optional ‘deskercise’ stretches that can be completed to relieve tension and stress.


The fourth and final section of our DSE Training explains how to carry and use portable equipment when you’re on the move or working away from your workstation. We cover smartphones, laptops and tablets. We also include a risk assessment for you to complete after your training– to ensure that everything you use is set up correctly.

PC or mobile phone required for the theory part.

DSE Training (Display Screen Equipment) certificate valid for 3 years.


It's important that you comply with the law and know the ways in which it affects you and the way you work.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations of 1992 regulations (particularly parts 2, 4, 6 and 7) stipulate a legal workplace requirement that:

All employees are provided with adequate health and safety training in the use of any workstation upon which they may be required to work.
Employees are provided with adequate information regarding all aspects of health and safety relating to their workstations.
Employers should perform health and safety risk assessments of workstations.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations of 1992, Sections 2,4 and 6 

In terms of the frequency and nature of this training, employers are required to provide this 1) “When employment is started,” to be 2) “repeated on a regular basis, as well as where risks may be increased due to changes of responsibilities or changes in working practices; adapted to take account of new risks to health and safety;” and must “take place during working hours.”


Is this training mandatory?

DSE training is a legal requirement for anyone who uses display screen equipment regularly. If you use display screen equipment for more than an hour a day, you are a ‘DSE user’ and the regulations will apply to you.

Why is this training important?

Over 40% of health-related work cases are musculoskeletal disorders. This DSE training teaches users how to correctly set up their workstations and stop bad habits. It also looks at ‘DSE stress’ and how we can become more productive at work as a result of good DSE.