HACCP Level 1 Training Course- Basic Food Hygiene Training for all Food Handlers
This Basic Food Safety course complies with the requirements as set out by the Food Safety Authority Ireland “Food Safety Training Level 1. It is a legal requirement that all food handling staff must be trained and/or supervised in a manner appropriate to their duties (European Community (Hygiene of Foodstuffs) Regulations).
We currently don not have any course dates scheduled, please contact us for more details.

The implementation of a food safety management system based on the principles of HACCP and the provision of food hygiene training are recognized as fundamental steps towards assured food safety.
Who should attend:
The Food Safety (HACCP) Level 1 course is ideal for those with no previous experience, with light food handling duties and/or performing low-risk duties (such as waiters, baristas, caregivers, kitchen porters, deli shop assistants, etc.)
Course Content
- Food Safety Awareness
- Food Contamination and Prevention
- Safe Food Procedures
- Personal Hygiene
- HACCP – Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points System
- Food Safety Law in Ireland
On completion of this food safety training course, participants will be able to understand their requirements under Irish food safety legislation as well as following best work practices.
The Basic Food Safety & Hygiene course covers the legal requirements of what staff are required to know before they start handling food in your premises. This course is ideal for those:
- With no previous experience
- With light food handling duties
- Performing low risk duties
Certification: Basic Food Hygiene Training Course Certificate (FSAI Level 1) which is valid for 2 years.
Refresher Training is recommended after 2 years
On completion of this HACCP Level 1 training course participants will be able to:
- Identify the risks and hazards in food preparation
- Define food poisoning; understand how it occurs and the main causes of food contamination
- Explain the importance of correct storage, preparation, handling and cooking of food
- List the legal responsibilities of the food worker
- List the structural requirements of a food premises
- Recognize a pest infestation and how to control it
- Explain the importance of cleaning and cleaning schedules
- Explain the purpose of HACCP